Saturday 28 October 2017

Information Creation as a Proccess

Media Formats


Reference: Mokoena, D. (2015). The soweto uprising.

I have chosen this presentation based on the fact that it briefly summarises certain events of the day students decided to stand up and fight for what they believed in. I also liked the images used in the presentation because it gives us a visual representation of what transpired and what students were subjected to. Also, LinkedIn is a site where users are subject to producing work that is accurate and not in violation of any rights of third parties. 

Newspaper article

Reference: Bokala, W. (1976) 'Anti-Afrikaans pupils go on strike in soweto', The World,18 May

This newspaper article was selected as a favoured sources, due to the fact that it was published in The World, which was originally named The Bantu World, a black daily newspaper based in Johannesburg. This is the city where the uprising first begun and and reports on news from the perspective of those who were victimised by the forced education system and highlights the frustration they felt that led them to such fury-driven acts. 

Video Interview

Reference: Wiley, D. (2006). Interview with Obed Bapela. Overcoming Apartheid - Building Democracy

This video was selected based on the fact that it gives a first-hand account of how Bantu Education was experienced by one of the people who was subjected to this Act that was passed. With Obed being a product of Bantu Education, he is seen as an authoritative figure based on his personal experience and recollection of that period of his life.

Article (PDF)

Reference: Gool, J. (1966). The crimes of bantu education in south africa. Unity Movement Publication.

This article was selected based on the nature thereof. Apart from giving a detailed description of the Bantu Education Act and how it affected our people, it also highlights the criminal injustice done to all black South African youth whereby they were robbed of equality and also deprived of the rightful education they deserved.


Reference: SABC Digital News. (2013). Dr Albetina Luthile speak about the impact of Bantu Education 60 years later.

This podcast was selected based on the fact that SABC News is a trusted news station and the speakers being interviewed were both authoritative figures, based on their lived experiences and observations of Bantu Education and how it still affects people today - 60 years later. The one speaker speaks from a pre-Bantu Education perspective, while the other speaks from the perspective of being a product of the then unjust education system. 


Article to Blog Post
I have chosen to convert the article by Jane Gool into a blog post. This was not a difficult task. I have changed the name of the post and have reworded the body of the post, so as to avoid issues of plagiarism, and any copyright issues that may arise. 
The blog post can be found at Bantu Education: A Criminal Injustice

Video to Newspaper/Presentation
I have chosen to convert the video interview with Obed Bapela into a newspaper article/presentation (on This task was time consuming as I had to listen to the video and transcribe what was being said by the interviewee. Again, considering issues around plagiarism and copyright, the transcript was used to gain understanding as to what the interview was about, but everything was re-written in my own words.
The presentation can be viewed at Education Matters

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